703-951-7883 info@jackiebrucker.com

Hi There, I’m Jackie

Jackie Brucker - Medium, Soul Guide, End-of-Life Counselor

I started my career as an Organizational/Industrial psychologist wanting to help make people and organizations better. I soon discovered that professional leadership and executive coaching brought me the most joy. Coaching has taught me how to work with people to help them help themselves.

Later in my life I learned that I talk to the Universe and the Universe talks to me. Man, was that an eye opener! I realized I have been doing this my whole life, I just didn’t have any idea. So, about 10-15 years ago I started my exploration of the spiritual world and how to connect to it in a conscious and purposeful way. It was an amazing, scary, and wonderful journey. My learning hasn’t stopped. I love learning new things and how to connect in different ways. The energetic changes our world has been going through has brought no shortage of learning opportunities.

One thing that was clear to me: I was receiving information that helped people move forward. While I can and do connect with people’s loved ones, that is not my primary connection point nor purpose. I tend to have more of a universal connection. This connection provides information that helps people move forward on their soul path rather than looking backwards for healing. Wonderful things happen when we heal the past, and there are lots of great people that do this work. It just isn’t my primary focus.

I help people move along their soul’s path, whether they are consciously aware of that path or not. Whether their path is long or if they are moving out of this life. I work in two primary areas. Assisting people in achieving what’s important to their soul and helping people live the rest of their lives on their own terms. These are both really parts of the same. As we move along our soul’s path throughout life, or as we ready ourselves to leave our physical bodies, there are things to do and our path to continue forward on.

There are always ways to make our journey better, even if there are hard parts. The hard parts are where we really learn who we are and who we want to be. Being open to the messages from our soul just helps us along the journey. It really all lies in our faith that our soul knows everything it needs to know to help us.

Get In Touch

Contact me today for one-on-one consultations, either in person or via telephone.

I’m available for personal coaching, either in-person, via skype, by telephone, or with FaceTime. No matter where you are located, we can work together. So please feel free to contact me to make an appointment.

Comments or questions are welcome.

Photo by Tomasz Olszewski
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(703) 951-7883

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