703-951-7883 info@jackiebrucker.com

Living & Dying Well

Jackie Brucker - Soul Guide

I offer two services to assist you in finding comfort and peace on your terms when facing the end of your life.

Private Coaching
If you are terminally ill, private coaching helps you prioritize. I help you determine what to accomplish now, how to find joy even if time is brief, how to talk with others about your wishes, and more.

As a professional speaker, I help my audience by creating a safe, calm, and focused way to openly discuss the issues around dying.

I provide an interactive setting, which engages adults of all ages in meaningful conversation. The result is a program that is more responsive to each person’s needs than a traditional lecture format.

Jackie successfully acknowledges charged issues and puts them in context. Jackie transforms negative experiences into learning opportunities allowing the participants to re-frame them into positive ones.

Ann W.

Your Well-Finished Life

I am also the author of the book, Your Well Finished Life: Finding Comfort and Peace on Your Terms, When Facing the End of Your Life. Empower yourself to change how you view and approach the rest of your life. Through this book, I help you figure out what is important to you at this point in your life and how to get what you need.

This book will help you think about your medical needs, including what you want at the time of your passing, figure out what personal activities you need to do and which you want to enjoy before you pass, and how to talk about your needs with family and friends.

The simple approach in this book helps you sort out your thinking about your own death, and decide what you can do now to take care of yourself. Learn a process to help you talk about your comfort, personal priorities, and making peace in your relationships, so your remaining time is as rewarding and peaceful as it can be.

Know that you don’t have to face this process alone. You can talk through these ideas with family, a friend, or anyone you want to help you work through your thoughts. What is most important is to know who you are and what you need; there is no time to waste. Order Your Well Finished Life on Amazon.com today.

Your Well-Finished Life by Jackie Brucker

In her book, Jackie Brucker tackles one of life’s most difficult challenges, thoughtfully planning for your own approaching death…. She approaches even the toughest of tough challenges, telling others about how you wish to manage your dying, using none of the usual platitudes and empty reassurances you might expect.

This is a must read for those facing a diagnosis of terminal illness. I recommend it for anyone facing death, as a guide for planning this life transition with dignity and clarity.

Kathy F.

Photo by Raquel Raclette

What I Offer

Individual Coaching

Achieve peace through clarity about your personal priorities at this time of your life. Learn the process and gain valuable insight by becoming a Coaching Client with an introductory session today.
$200/introductory session

If after your initial session we agree this is an area you wish to further explore, reduced pricing for session packages are as follows:

4 living & dying well sessions - $600
8 living & dying well sessions - $1000

Online Class for Caretakers
Creating a Peaceful Death: A Caretaker's Guide

This on-line based class will help you have important conversations when caring for your loved one. There are lessons on Having Difficult, Grieving Before Death, What a Peaceful Death Looks like and many more. You can complete this class when you have time, as it is video based. Do it when it works for you, not when it works for me. There will be regular live Q&A sessions as well, where you can ask questions.

Living & Dying Well Community

I host a private forum for clients who are dying well. This is a safe space where you can talk with others who are facing similar challenges. Conversations in this space are moderated by me, so you can openly talk with others who are going through something similar to what you are going through.

Follow Jackie

By Appointment Only


(703) 951-7883

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Every attempt will be made to answer all inquiries within 48 hours.

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