703-951-7883 info@jackiebrucker.com

Additional Services

Photo by Dev Benjamin

Space Clearing

Feeling “stuck”? I am available for Space Clearing to help you and your space become “un-stuck” by clearing the energy so it can feel better, lighter, and cleaner. Energy of a space can be cleared for a number of reasons, or just as a regular maintenance of the space. Some reasons you might want to clear the energy in your space: things feel stagnant, people feel stuck or unhappy, or to protect your home and its energy.


Logo - Bemer Group
I am an independent Distributor at Bemer Group USA. This is a way to take care of your physical body as you are taking care of your spiritual body. For more information, contact me:

Ordained Minister

I am ordained into the Order of Melchizedek and can help with funeral services, as long as you are looking for something less traditional. Reach out for a personalized quote.

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By Appointment Only


(703) 951-7883

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Every attempt will be made to answer all inquiries within 48 hours.

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