703-951-7883 info@jackiebrucker.com

Soul Guiding

Jackie Brucker - Soul Guide

Soul Guiding is coaching with a spiritual twist. Your soul already knows everything!!! Let me say that again so there is no confusion. Your soul already knows everything. It is your ego/brain (i.e. your humanness) that leads you in a different direction. Sometime we all have a hard time hearing what our soul wants us to do or what direction will best serve us.

In Soul Guiding, I use my Mediumship/intuitive skills to help you hear the voice inside of yourself. I guide you along the path to hearing and trusting your own inner voice. Soul Guiding gives you answers and direction which are specific and special to you. I will help you hear your inner voice; the one that wants the best for you and is always trying to guide you along the journey your soul came here to take.

If you are like so many others, you have questions about both day-to-day things and the big things. My clients have a wide range of questions: “What is my purpose here on earth? How do I find the right career for me? What is the next step on my journey? I know I want to move, but where should I go? How do I know what foods are right for me to eat?” If you haven’t learned to trust your inner voice and knowing, it can be really hard to know what to do and how to move forward. It can also be extremely frustrating when you try things that don’t seem to be quite right. 

Life today is so full of noises that negatively impact our ability to hear that voice inside of us. This is the voice that has our best interest at heart. It isn’t always as loud as the one that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough or strong enough. Through Soul Guiding, I can help you hear the answers to the questions that will make you happier, more joyful, and feel greater love.

I know the answers lie inside of you. They have always been within you. Soul Guiding can help you hear the answers for yourself.

Jackie is very intuitive and extremely easy to talk to. Nothing is forced. It’s true, you have to do the work if you want to succeed, but with Jackie’s help and guidance, the road to self-discovery is less bumpy. I actually did have my very own “a-ha” moment.

Louie M.

Photo by Raquel Raclette

What I Offer

Private Sessions

Sign up for a one-to-one session. Give yourself the freedom to explore your path with Jackie at your pace. Everyone starts with an introductory session to learn the process, gain insight into the work, and determine fit. There will be a reading, but not for the full hour.
$200/introductory session

If after your initial session we agree this is an area you wish to further develop, reduced pricing for continuing session packages are as follows:

4 soul guiding sessions – $600
8 soul guiding sessions – $1000

Follow Jackie

By Appointment Only


(703) 951-7883

My Commitment To You

Every attempt will be made to answer all inquiries within 48 hours.

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